Please type the translation for each phrase below. Once you're done, click "Submit for review" at the bottom of the page. Your changes will be submitted for review to the product team. Once approved, the updated translations will be available in the next FormAssembly release!
Two letter abreviation for Monday
Two letter abreviation for Tuesday
Two letter abreviation for Wenesday
Two letter abreviation for Thursay
Two letter abreviation for Friday
Two letter abreviation for Saturday
Two letter abreviation for Sunday
Calendar Month
Generic error message when the form doesn't exist or has been deleted or archived.
Default error message when the start date for a form hasn't arrived yet.
Default error message when the end date for a form has been reached.
Error message when the form is temporarily disabled by an administrator.
Error message when a response quota has been set and reached.
Very generic form not found message
Warning message shown when the user tries to leave the form before completing it.
The title on the login window.
Username field label
Password field label
Text on the sign in button
Error message
Log out label when the form is authenticated and displayed
Warning shown when a user clicks on the 'resume a previously saved form' link.
Screen title
This will be shown if the form uses FormAssembly native authentication (email and password).
This will be shown if the form uses an external authentication scheme.
Label for the email field (save response screen)
Label for the password field (save response screen)
Label for 'confirm password' field (save response screen)
Save button
Status of a response that has been saved and not submitted yet.
Status of a response that had a unsuccessful submission attempt.
Status of a response that was not completely submitted. The last confirmation step is missing.
Confirmation message displayed once the password has been reset.
Error message if no saved response can be found for the given email address.
Subject of password reset email
Content of password reset email. Make sure the %%FORM_NAME%%, %%RESUME_URL%%, %%RESUME_PASSWORD%% and %%RESUME_EMAIL%% aliases remain present in your translation.
Subject of save confirmation email
Content of save confirmation email. Make sure the %%FORM_NAME%% and %%RESUME_URL%% aliases remain present in your translation.
Label for the password (login screen)
Login button
Login button (when using a third-party authentication method)
Error message when no saved response can be found for the given email/password combination.
Error message when no saved response can be found for the logged-in user (using third-party authentication).
(Error message for date values outside of the allowed range. %1 is replaced by the actual upper bound of the range.)
(Error message for date values outside of the allowed range. %1 is replaced by the actual upper bound and %2 is replaced by the actual lower bound.)
(Error message for relative date control field. This will appear on fields that dictate the date range of other fields. %1 will be replaced by the link text below.)
(Error message for relative date dependent field. This will appear on fields that are contoled by another field. %1 will be replaced by the link text below.)
(This text will appear as the general text pointing to a linked field. This text will appear on error message for both control and dependent relative date fields.)
(%% is replaced with the actual number of errors on the form.)
(Error message for numeric values outside of the allowed range. %1 is replaced by the actual upper bound of the range.)
(Error message for numeric values outside of the allowed range. %1 is replaced by the actual lower bound of the range.)
(Error message for numeric values outside of the allowed range. %1 is replaced by the actual lower bound of the range and %2 is replaced by the actual upper bound of the range.)
(Information message for inputs with a maximum number of characters set. %1 is replaced by the actual number of characters left.)
Warning message that appears when the word count goes over the limit in a field
Description of remaining word count for a field
Description of how many words over the limit in the field
Email subject for E-Signature email verification
Email body for E-Signature email verification
Email subject for E-Signature third party access grant
Email body for E-Signature third party access grant
URL clickable text in E-Signature third party access grant html email
Email subject for E-Signature acceptance email
Email body for E-Signature acceptance email
Email subject for E-Signature force closed email
Email body for E-Signature force closed email
Email subject for signed response for form owner email
Email body for signed response for form owner email
Flash that appears when user successfully submits a translation change for a language
Flash that appears when user unsuccessfully submits a translation change for a language
Flash that appears when user does not successfully compelete the reCAPTCHA challenge when trying to submit translation changes
Title for the Response Caching dialog
Instructions in the Response Caching dialog
Confirm button on the Response Caching dialog
Cancel button on the Response Caching dialog
Don't ask again checkbox on the Response Caching dialog
Fieldset title
Leading sentence
'Learn more' link
Downtime and Processing Errors title
Label for notify of downtime checkbox
Updating Email Preferences title
Change communication preferences button text
Checkbox label for IP Anonymization
Informatory text for if IP Anonymization has been enabled globally
Context message when viewing a response for anonymized IP
Flash message that appears when a user tries to open a Form Builder Version 5 form in a previous version of Form Builder