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Thrive Index
The Thrive Index is an annual self-assessment that provides a snapshot of your organization’s overall health and is a starting point for digging deeper into the six nonprofit core competencies.

Upon completion, you will receive an email with your respective Thrive Index scores.  From there, you are invited to join us at any live trainings/events and then receive coaching on how to help your organization move forward in healthy, sustainable ways.

In order to receive a combined organizational Thrive Index score and full organizational report, we invite you to contact Mission Charlotte to schedule a Thrive Index Review (we ask that your senior staff and board members complete the Thrive Index for this step).

Responses are anonymous. All questions are required. Please read each question thoroughly and select the response that best matches your nonprofit's level of fulfillment of the described items. Note that some questions have a more detailed explanation if you hover over the answers.
Background Information

Enter only a number, NO '$'

Enter only a number, NO '$'

Please read each question thoroughly and select the response that best matches your nonprofit's level of fulfillment of the described items.

Board Governance

A Governing Board is defined as a board that governs the organization rather than managing/running day-to-day operations on one extreme or allowing the organization to simply use the board as "figureheads" on the other extreme.

Some common onboarding steps include: defining board roles, expectations, and governing processes, as well as understanding the organization's programs, key measurements, and org chart.

You can choose "NA" if you are not a faith based/motivated organization.

Staff Leadership

A Succession Plan is a document that outlines the plan that leads towards staff replacement and transition, but does not necessarily name a specific individual.

SMART - Specific. Measureable. Achievable. Relevant. Time-bound

You can choose "NA" if you are not a faith based/motivated organization.

Strategic Planning

Some examples of "key professional services" are finance, marketing, social media, technology support, etc..

Organizational Measurement

Outputs are defined as the quantifiable, easy to gather, record of "how much" or "how many." Outcomes are defined as the results or consequences of an activity. Impact is the long term change that is resulting from the outcomes.

Transformational Fundraising

These avenues can be fundraising such as campaigns, grants, events, mailings, meetings, and social media, or revenue generating such as tuition, product sales, licensing, etc.

Excellence can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be qualitative such as clarity, professionalism, appropriateness, etc. It can also be measured by looking at ROI (return on investment) .

Marketing and Communications

Some examples of segmentation include constituency (clients, donors, volunteers, etc.) and channel (email, direct mail, face to face, etc.).

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