Renewing Member Info: Some contact details obscured to protect your privacy.
Please provide any needed updates in the appropriate fields. Fields where no update is needed can be left blank.
Please provide first and last name, email address, and phone for the new primary contact.
Please provide any updates to title, email address, and phone for the existing primary contact. Name may not be updated.
Each selected LCI renewal costs $35/year in addition to membership dues.
Please pick a method and enter the requested information to look up your membership:
Please enter 4 or more consecutive letters or characters to search the name of organizational or businesses members

- Summit VIP Reception Invitation
- Bicycle Roadside Assistance from Better World Club
- A new League T-Shirt
- Fun League socks
- A subscription to American Bicyclist Magazine
- A League membership card

- Bicycle Roadside Assistance from Better World Club
- A new League T-Shirt
- Fun League socks
- A subscription to American Bicyclist Magazine
- A League membership card

- A new League T-Shirt
- Fun League socks
- A subscription to American Bicyclist Magazine
- A League membership card

- Fun League socks
- A subscription to American Bicyclist Magazine
- A League membership card

- A subscription to American Bicyclist Magazine
- A League membership card

- A subscription to American Bicyclist Magazine

- Eligibility to participate in the League’s insurance program.
- A feature in our interactive online map, subscription to our magazine, American Bicyclist, and feedback opportunities to Bicycle Friendly America applications near you.
- Representation in Washington, insights from the Hill, and the opportunity to connect with changemakers at the National Bike Summit.

- Eligibility to participate in the League’s insurance program.
- A feature in our interactive online map, subscription to our magazine, American Bicyclist, and feedback opportunities to Bicycle Friendly America applications near you.
- Representation in Washington, insights from the Hill, and the opportunity to connect with changemakers at the National Bike Summit.

- A feature in our much-visited interactive online map.
- A subscription to our own American Bicyclist magazine.
- A complimentary application to our comprehensive Bicycle Friendly Business program.
Automatic annual credit card renewal is available for 1-year memberships.
Select a membership level to see available membership premiums here.