BSV School Support Volunteers Registration

Thank you for lending a hand to Berkeley's public schools!
About School Support Volunteers:
  • BSV School Support Volunteers support events and projects that are not tied to one specific classroom, e.g. Task Running deliveries, grocery driving/delivery to schools or families, library or gardening projects
  • Opportunities may include both one-time events and ongoing commitments, allowing volunteers to find what best suits their available time and interests.
  • School Support Volunteers receive regular email alerts about open volunteer opportunities, with links to sign-up. In addition, volunteers can check the frequently updated SSV Volunteer Opportunities doc for current listings.
Note: If you are interested in volunteering in a classroom on a regular basis, please apply as a Classroom Volunteer using this form: Classroom Volunteer Application. Learn more about the screening and onboarding criteria on our website

Berkeley Schools Volunteers recognizes that name and gender identity are central to most individuals' sense of self and well-being, and that it is important for us to establish systems that acknowledge and support individuals' self-identification.

Local Mailing Address - Please include building name or apartment number, if applicable. 

Enter as MM/DD/YYYY

BSV Agreements

BSV Agreement:  I understand and agree that:

I am being engaged solely as a volunteer. I will not for any purpose be considered an employee of BSV or BUSD. I will not receive any salary, compensation or other benefits for my volunteer service.

I must comply with the requirements described by the specific BSV project, and any other applicable policies of BSV or BUSD that may be in effect from time to time. If I fail to do so, BSV or BUSD may, with or without prior notice, limit, modify, or terminate my volunteer privilege.

COVID-19 Assumption of Risk Agreement By checking below, I assume the risk that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by participating in the Berkeley Schools Volunteers (BSV) program and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and/or death. In addition, I assume responsibility for adhering to all COVID-19 prevention measures required by BSV or Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD), and compliance with applicable federal, state or local health orders such as the use of personal protective equipment, social distancing, and general hygiene protocols. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to make an informed participation decision, that BSV and BUSD do not control every aspect of my volunteer interactions, and that BSV and BUSD give no assurances or warranties whatsoever as to my safety if I choose to participate in this program

Task Runner/Grocery Driver Safety Questions 

If you selected Task Runner or Grocery Driver, we have a few more safety questions before we can sign you up. 

1) Do you have current insurance on the vehicle you will operate for task running?

2) Is the same vehicle in good operating condition? 

3) Is your driver's license in good standing
(meaning, no major violations in last 2 years, no DUIs, and not multiple at-fault accidents in the previous 2 years)?

4) Are you at least 18 years old? 

Thank you!   Please keep an eye out for School Support Volunteer alert emails for volunteer opportunities and impact!