Driving the Message Entry Form
Only 1 entry form is needed per poster or video. If you are on a team, the lead student will complete this form and provide all team member's names. Team members will need to complete only the release form. If there are any additional people in a video and we do not have a release form, the entry will be disqualified.
Entry Information
Select the Category for your entry
Seat Belt Safety Poster
Speeding Prevention Poster
Share the Road Video
Title of Entry (Use this in your Entry File Name)
This is a(n):
Individual entry
Group entry
Student's Name (Use this name in your Entry File Name)
Students within group
Enter all team member names and/or names of those who are shown in your poster or video. Everyone listed here will need a release form.
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
Student's Name
School Information
School Name Lookup
If unable to find your school above, enter it here (use full school name).
The address we have on record is shown here. Please update here, if no address was found or it is out-of-date.
Shipping Address Line 1
Postal Code
Teacher/Sponsor Contact Information
We will notify the teacher/sponsor of winning entries.
Full Name
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Social Media - complete if you would like us to tag your team or school on entries (after judging).
Where can we email a confirmation of this form?
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Contact Information