Register for the ECC!

2024-2025 Season
Singer Information
  • Singers registering for Concert Choir for the first time must pass a standardized audition (we will follow up with you).
Singer (For multiple singers, please click the "Add another singer" button below for each.)

Primary Address

Parent/Guardian Information

Emails listed above will go on our mailing list for weekly ECC notes and other member information.
Alternate Contact

Emails listed above will go on our mailing list for weekly ECC notes and other member information.

In this space, please provide any other contact information you would like us to have, e.g. names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mails of other caretakers or emergency contacts:
I agree to take all required precautions regarding communicable illness when sending my singer to rehearsals or ECC events.  I understand that the ECC adheres to appropriate health protocols in conducting its rehearsals and events, and I will hold the ECC harmless if my singer or anyone in my family contracts a communicable illness while participating.  In the unlikely event that my child becomes ill or is injured, and I, or the preferred physician or hospital named below, cannot be immediately contacted at the time of an emergency, and if in the judgment of the staff of the Evanston Children's Choir (ECC) immediate observation or treatment is necessary, I authorize the staff to send my child (properly accompanied) to the hospital or medical facility most easily accessible.  I further authorize that facility and any of its staff or any licensed physician to perform any medical treatment deemed necessary upon my child.  I agree to be fully responsible for all costs of such treatment.  I release the ECC, its employees, and agents from any claim of liability in connection therewith. 

I understand that audio recordings, photos, and/or video recordings may be published of Evanston Children’s Choir (ECC) participants, including my child.  I hereby give my consent for myself and/or my child to be audio recorded, photographed or video recorded in connection with participation in the ECC.  I further agree that all such audio recordings, photos or video recordings shall be the exclusive property of the ECC and I release and give to the ECC all rights of ownership and all rights to copy, publish and use such audio recordings, photos and video recordings without compensation, except as may be agreed in advance for certain projects.  I acknowledge and agree that the ECC may use any and all of those audio recordings, photos or video recordings for educational, promotional and fundraising purposes, including but not limited to publication in brochures and other promotional materials, on CDs for sale, and on the ECC website.
Guidelines & Information
I understand that I am responsible for reading the entire ECC GUIDELINES & INFORMATION for the 2024-2025 SEASON, paying special attention to the sections on Rehearsals, Performances and Attendance.  I will continue to keep up with current ECC information by reading all e-mails with “ECC” in the subject line, especially weekly e-mails after each rehearsal during the season.  I will further keep up with current ECC information by regularly checking the ECC website for updates to my Choir’s Rehearsal and Performance Schedules, and for uploaded Notes to Parents/Guardians that I may have missed via e-mail.  If I do not have internet access or e-mail, I will request information in paper form.
Tuition and Financial Assistance
There is a 30% sibling tuition discount for additional siblings in Youth Chorale Pops, Story Choir or the Pope John XXIII School Choir, and a 50% discount for additional siblings in Concert Choir.
  • Concert Choir: $510 tuition per semester, plus a one-time $140 uniform charge
  • Youth Chorale Pops 1 or 2: $225 tuition per semester, plus a one-time $25 uniform charge
  • Story Choir: $200 tuition per 9-week session (3 sessions per season); no uniform required
  • Pope John XXIII School Choir: $205 tuition per semester, plus a one-time $20 uniform charge
Payment Options

Soon after we receive your registration, you will receive an invoice reflecting your particular payment plan. Thank you!
Volunteer Options