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Community Grants Programme

We are a local or regional organisation only working in Wiltshire or Swindon or in the south/south west of England and we are one of the following: 
  • constituted voluntary or community organisation 
  • not-for-profit company including community interest companies where the majority of directors receive no payment from the company 
We are not a statutory organisation (incl schools, town and parish councils)

We have:

  • a constitution and an active voluntary management committee with at least 3 people who are not:
    • related to each other or in a long-term relationship
    • living at the same address
  • a bank account with two signatories who are not related to each other
  • financial records showing less than 12 months running costs in unrestricted reserves at the end of last financial year.

Not Eligible

Thank you for taking the time to consider a Wiltshire Community Foundation grant application.

Unfortunately, your responses indicate that your organisation, you, or your plans do not fit our eligibility criteria so we will not accept an application.  To be fair and transparent for all applicants, we apply our eligibility criteria strictly and cannot change them for your circumstances. If you are a new group in the process of setting up a constitution or committee or opening a bank account and would like to discuss making an application please call us.

If you are a local voluntary group you may find information on other sources of grants through our e-bulletin (sign up here: ) or from the national database www.myfundingcentral.co.uk.  Funding advice  is available from Wessex Community Action or Voluntary Action Swindon.

If you need further advice on safeguarding you can find further guidance here

If your circumstances change and you feel an application would now be eligible, you may wish to contact us first on applications@wiltshirecf.org.uk

Thank you for confirming you are eligible for a Community Grant. The application form questions are below.

We like to receive applications from small groups. If you are new to fundraising, do not worry about getting your application "right". We will talk to you when we have read it to make sure we understand what you want funding for.

You can save the form at any time and return to it. When you have finished it, you will be sent a copy of your answers which you can print if you wish.

If you have any queries, please contact the Grants Team on applications@wiltshirecf.org.uk or call 01380 738985

The person we will contact to discuss the application

Please complete in DD/MM/YYYY format.

How many? What skills or experience do they have? How do people join the committee? How involved are all the committee members in running the organisation?

The 2 signatories must be people who are not connected to each other, ie people who are not related to each other or living at the same address

Please complete in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Please be brief. Be very specific and avoid all jargon. e.g. if you are providing a service tell us how often and how long the sessions are, where they are, how many people come. Try not to tell us in this question about why your service is needed and challenges faced by people who attend - you can tell us this in a later question.

Please only enter a valid UK post code. Either the postcode of the area where most of the people who will benefit live or, if they come from several places, just select one. If this is too difficult, use your organisation's postcode, but only if you are based in Wiltshire or Swindon.

We focus on people who are on a low income and who are facing challenges. In this question, tell us about the people. Don't tell us here about your activity or service

You need to show us that you understand what other services there are and how your activities fill a gap.

Tell us about the expected benefits to people. It can be helpful to use words of change, eg ‘better’ ‘more’ ‘reduced’ ‘fewer’. Tell us also if your organisation, staff and volunteers have done this successfully before.

You have a responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone who has contact with your organisation, especially. Give a brief outline of your approach to safeguarding and the measures you have in place.

You should be trying to ensure your organisation is open and accessible to everyone regardless of gender, age, race, religion, disability, sexuality. Please give a brief overview your approach to this and what you have in place to ensure your organisation and activities are welcoming and inclusive.

We don't expect all small groups to have detailed financial plans but we do want to know that your organisation is looking ahead at its finances.

You can apply for up to £5,000 for 1-3 years for running costs or non-capital costs OR up to £5,000 for capital costs.

If you are asking us to fund some of your running costs, for instance, what is the total grant you need? If you are asking us to contribute towards an event, project or activity, what is the total grant you need? If you are asking for multi-year funding, please make sure you have added up each year to give your total?
Please submit a copy of your organisation’s financial plan on page 8 of the application, for this year so we can understand your running costs.

Project Budget

Year 1 (£) Year 2 (£) Year 3 (£)
Staff Costs

Year 1 (£) Year 2 (£) Year 3 (£)
Volunteer Costs

Year 1 (£) Year 2 (£) Year 3 (£)
Project Activities Costs

Year 1 (£) Year 2 (£) Year 3 (£)
Overheads Costs

Year 1 (£)
Capital Costs
You can only apply for £5000 towards capital costs. If the total capital project is more than £5,000, you must have already secured most of the rest before applying to us.  Please call us if this is unclear

In this section we ask you to help us understand the difference the grant will make. We need this so we can tell the donors who give us funds what has been achieved with their funds.

If you have any difficulty in completing this section, please do contact us.

Please note that this information is for our records and reporting.  It is not part of the information we consider when deciding whether to award you a grant. 

Please estimate how many people will benefit directly from the project or organisation's activities. Please don't include people who will benefit indirectly. Please be realistic with your estimate. Please only input one figure rather than e.g. 10 or 20 or 30

Supporting Documents

Please upload the following documents:

If you do not have formal accounts, we want to see your records of last year’s income and expenditure and how much your organisation had at the end of the year

We would like to see a simple plan of how much money you expect to spend this year and what you will spend it on.

We use this to check your bank details

If you are a registered charity, you do not need to send your constitution

Terms & Conditions

If the Foundation awards a grant, the following are our terms and conditions:


1.            We will spend the grant only for the purpose stated in our application.  We understand that Wiltshire Community Foundation may reclaim any grant identified as misspent.

2.            If we want to change how we use the grant, we will contact Wiltshire Community Foundation for approval before spending it.

3.            If we cannot do all or part of the work described in the application or if the activity costs less than anticipated, we will contact Wiltshire Community Foundation to discuss how to use any remaining money before spending it.

4.            We will keep receipts and other proof of expenditure related to this grant, so that Wiltshire Community Foundation can see them if required.

5.     When requested, we will provide Wiltshire Community Foundation with information about how we spent the grant, what took place and the benefits of the grant. This will usually be completed via an online form at the end of the grant. (If you have been awarded a multi-year grant, we will ask for a brief interim report on progress before releasing the next payment. We will contact you by email for this at the start of the month when your next payment is due).       

6.            We will recognise Wilshire Community Foundation as a donor and use the Foundation’s logo on any materials or online media related to the project funded by the grant.

7.            In accordance with its Privacy Policy, Wiltshire Community Foundation will hold the details of our group’s chairperson, secretary and treasurer until the end of the grant.  The Foundation will hold the details of the grant application’s Main Contact until the completion of the grant period, which is usually 7 years after the grant payment.  This is for the purposes of monitoring expenditure of the grant, financial audit and assessing the impact of the Foundation’s grant programmes.  We will inform the Foundation of any change in these details during these periods.

8.         During the grant period, we will inform the Foundation promptly of any incident arising from our activity that results in, or risks, significant harm to beneficiaries or other people in contact with us through our work.

9.         Our group’s name, the amount awarded and the purpose of the grant may be published on the Foundation’s website and, social media accounts and publications. If we feel this is not appropriate for our group, we will let the Foundation know.  We understand this will not affect the grant payment. 

  •      I confirm I am authorised to make this application and declaration on behalf of the applicant organisation.
  •      I confirm that I accept the terms and conditions above. 
  •      I certify that the information contained in this application is correct and that the supporting documents  are the full and current documents which accurately represent my organisation’s current financial position, policies and governance.
  •       In addition to point 9 above, the Community Foundation would like to publicise case studies from successful applicants to encourage further giving to the Foundation. Please tick the publicity box below if you are willing to take part. 
  •       Wiltshire Community Foundation will use the personal data about you and other individuals named in your application to administer this grants programme and to tell you about other grant programmes, in accordance with our privacy policy.