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The University Bursary provides £1,600 grants for each year of a degree course. It can help with general living expenses, travel costs, books etc. Provided a student’s circumstances remain the same, £1,600 is paid for each academic year. 

To be eligible to apply :     

  • you or your family are receiving two means-tested benefits or be in the care of Wiltshire Council or Swindon Borough Council (Looked After Child - LAC)
  • aged between 17 and 24 years old
  • lived in Wiltshire or Swindon for at least two years (If you are already at university your family home must be in Wiltshire or Swindon)*
  • be eligible for funding through Student Finance England
  • planning to study (or already studying) for your first undergraduate degree at a UK university/institution
*if you have not lived in Wiltshire or Swindon for this long, please contact Grants Team 01380 738985 to discuss.

To start an application for a grant please confirm you are eligible by completing the questions below:

If you are already at university this refers to the 'family home'

Unfortunately, your responses indicate that you are not eligible for the University Bursary.

To be eligible to apply for the bursary you need to meet all of the below criteria:     

  • you or your parents/guardians are receiving two means-tested benefits or two elements of Universal Credit
  • aged between 17 and 24 years old
  • lived in Wiltshire or Swindon for at least two years (If you are already at university your family home must be in Wiltshire or Swindon)
  • be eligible for funding through Student Finance England
  • planning to study (or already studying) for your first undergraduate degree at a UK university/institution

The below websites have additional information and further sources of financial support. Remember to check your chosen university to see if they hold any grants that you could be eligible for.

We wish you well with your future studies. 

Thank you for confirming you are eligible for the University Bursary. The application form and questions are below and you can read some further guidance notes here:
  • Do not worry about getting your application "right", if a question has several parts, use bullet points to answer each part. Once we have received your application form, we will contact you to make sure we have everything we need.
  • You do not have to complete the application form in one go. If you wish to leave the form and come back to it at another time, press the ‘Save my progress and resume later’ button at the bottom of the form. You will be asked to enter your email and a password so you can login at another time, this will also be emailed to you as well.  
If you find anything confusing or need help completing the form please contact the Grants Team on applications@wiltshirecf.org.uk or call 01380 738985

Applicant Details 

Personal and Family Circumstances

Education and Qualifications

University / UCAS Applications

Additional Information 

Equal Opportunity Monitoring

This section will not be used when considering your application. The answers will be used purely for statistically purposes and internal monitoring.

It is voluntary to disclose this information, however by answering the questions you will enable us to better understand our grants

Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Supporting Documents

You will need to provide the following supporting evidence in order to confirm your eligibility for the bursary grant. 

Please continue to submit your application form even if you do not have this evidence at the moment.


When we receive your application, if you have not uploaded all supporting documents or completed all the questions, we will contact you, usually by email, and ask you to send them to us. If you have any questions please contact the Grants Team on 01380 738985.

e.g. bill/letter/driving licence confirming your address in Wiltshire or Swindon

e.g. driving licence, birth certificate, passport

e.g. letter/email which confirms an application has been made

If you are already at university, please provide proof of this e.g. picture of student ID


I declare that the information provided in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and I will report any changes to the information provided. I give permission for Wiltshire Community Foundation to record the information in this form electronically.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998) and Wiltshire Community Foundation privacy policy, if you are awarded a grant, your details will be collected and stored for a maximum of 7 years after receiving the last grant payment. The personal data will be used only for the purposes of administering this grant programme and will be shared with the South West Enterprise Fund donor.

Once we have received your application, we will check it is complete and eligible. A member of the Grants Team may contact you to discuss your application in further detail (see the guidance notes).

If you have any other questions please contact The Grants Team on 01380 738985 or email applications@wiltshirecf.org.uk.

Please note you will have the opportunity to review your application and make any further edits before you confirm, by clicking on the 'Review before Submit' button below.

Once you have confirmed your submission, you will no longer have access to make any further changes